Publish Date |
Title |
Author |
 | 2019 | Housing Affordability Survey 2019 | Wendell Cox and Hugh Pavletich |
 | 2018 | House Price Synchronicity, Banking Integration, and Global Financial Conditions | Adrian Alter |
 | 2018 | Living and Leaving: Housing, Mobility and Welfare in the European Union | Gabriela Inchauste |
 | 2017 | Global Housing Watch | IMF |
 | December 2016 | SANAD Housing Finance Study: Housing Finance in the Middle East and North Africa | Hans-Joachim Dübel and Olivier Hassler |
 | December 2016 | History Dependence in the Housing Market | Philippe Bracke and Silvana Tenreyro |
 | July 29, 2016 | Mortgage Default Risk: New Evidence From Internet Search Queries | Marcelle Chauvet, Stuart Gabriel, Chandler Lutz |
 | July 2016 | Housing Prices, Mortgage Interest Rates and the Rising Share of Capital Income in the United States | Gianni La Cava |
 | June 2016 | Denmark Country Report No. 16/185 | IMF |
 | 2016 | A Dynamic Housing Affordability Index | Steven C. Bourassa |
 | 2015 | The Risk Environment and the Property Sector | Malcolm Edey |
 | 2015 | Housing Price and Household Debt Interactions in Sweden | Rima A. Turk |
 | November 2014 | The 2013 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data | Neil Bhutta |
 | 2014 | Aging and Real Estate Prices: Evidence from Japanese and US Regional Data | Yumi Saita |
 | 2014 | Developments in Banks’ Funding Costs and Lending Rates | Leon Berkelmans |
 | 2014 | Is Europe Overbanked? | Reports of the Advisory Scientific Committee |
 | 2014 | Real State of Estate | Sunil Agarwal |
 | November 2013 | Mortgage Market Conditions and Borrower Outcomes: Evidence from the 2012 HMDA Data and Matched HMDA–Credit Record Data | Neil Bhutta |
 | 2013 | Financial Stability Report | Banca D'Italia |
 | 2013 | Real Options and Urban Land Values: A Review of the Literature | Kiplan S. Womack |
 | 2013 | Land use regulations and property values: The "Windfalls Capture” Idea Revisited | Rachelle Alterman |
 | 2013 | Capturing the Value of Public Land for Urban Infrastructure - Centrally Controlled Landholdings | George E. Peterson |
 | 2013 | Failures in Urban Capital Markets and Consquences for Project Funding | Wolfgang Breuer |
 | 2013 | A World of Cities: The Causes and Consequences of Urbanization in Poorer Countries | Edward L. Glaeser |
 | 2012 | Ahmedabad: More but Different Government for “Slum Free” and Livable Cities | Patricia Clarke Annez |
 | 2012 | Interjurisdictional Housing Prices and Spatial Amenities: Which Measures of Housing Reflect Local Public Goods? | H. Spencer Banzhaf |
 | 2012 | Credit standards and the bubble in US house prices: new econometric evidence | John V. Duca |
 | 2012 | Predicting returns and rent growth in the housing market using the rent-to-price ratio: Evidence from the OECD countries | Tom Engstedy |
 | 2011 | Housing and Urbanisation in Algeria between 1966 and 2008 | Acidi Abdelhak |
 | 2010 | An Approach for Calculating Reliable State and National House Price Statistics | Andrew Leventis |
 | 2010 | A Practical Guide for Conducting Housing Profiles | Claudio Acioly Jr. and Christopher Horwood |
 | 2010 | BIS Working Papers No 318: Ageing and Asset Prices | Elod Takáts |
 | 2010 | A Study of Real Estate Markets in Declining Cities | James R. Follain |
 | 2010 | The Framework for Housing Finance: Connecting the Public and Private Sectors | Marja Hoek-Smit |
 | 2008 | Interest Rate Elasticity of Residential Housing Prices | Plamen Iossifov, Martin Cihák, and Amar Shanghavi |
 | 2008 | Competing for Urban Land: Improving the Bidding Power of the Poor | Mark Napier |
 | 2007 | European Mortgage Markets–2006 Adjusted Price Analysis | Mercer Oliver Wyman and European Mortgage Federation |
 | 2006 | A New Measure of the Local Regulatory Environment for Housing Markets: The Wharton Residential Land Use Regulatory Index | Joseph Gyourko, Albert Saiz, and Anita Summers |
 | 2005 | Economic Analysis of Housing Markets in Developing and Transition Economies | Stephen Malpezzi |
 | 2004 | Mortgage Lending in Kazakhstan | Maiko Sagindykova |
 | 2004 | The UK Mortgage Market: Taking a Longer-Term View | David Miles |
 | 1995 | Cities Without Land Markets: Location and Land Use in the Socialist City | Alain Bertaud & Bertrand Renaud |
 | 1994 | Two Stylized Housing Questionnaires | Stephen Malpezzi |
 | 1993 | Housing: Enabling Markets to Work | The World Bank |
 | 1991 | Housing Markets and Housing Institutions in a Comparative Context | Björn Hårsman and John M. Quigley |
 | 1989 | Malaysia: The Housing Sector - Getting the Incentives Right | Stephen Malpezzi |
 | Q2 2016 | Global Market Perspective Q2 2016 | Jones Lang LaSalle |