The Housing Finance System

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A. Primary Housing Finance Market

A.1 Industry Structure and Performance
VariableEnd of 2017End of 2016End of 2015SourcesVar ID
Number of firms originating and funding mortgage loans20135
Types of originating lenders/market share:A.1.2
Universal/ commercial banks75% of total69.23% of total80% of total
Other depository institutions (savings and loans/mutual savings and credit institutions)25% of total23.08% of total 
Non-depository financial institutions specialized in housing finance% of total7.69% of total20% of total
Identify the 3 largest loan originating lendersRepublic Bank, Ghana Home Loans, Fidelity Bank HFC Bank, Ghana Home Loans, Fidelity Bank
Level of Non-Performing Mortgage Loans (90 days or more past due):A.1.6
Average 1997-2007 A.1.7
A.2 Size of Mortgage Finance Sector
VariableEnd of 2017End of 2016End of 2015SourcesVar ID
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year in millions of USD:  177 USD (millions)
Bank of Ghana Annual Report
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year as % of GDP (current)  .37%
Bank of Ghana Annual Reports, CAHF Yearbook
Total # of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year  50,127.4 thousandA.2.2
A.3 Housing Finance Products
VariableEnd of 2017End of 2016End of 2015SourcesVar ID
Mortgage products as % of all mortgages (approx.) in local currency:A.3.1
Most prevalent type of foreign currency mortgage used:A.3.3
Most frequent interest rates on fully amortizing:A.3.4
10 year fixed rate mortgage28% 28%
Typical lender fees associated with mortgage origination: A.3.6
Typical third party fees associated with mortgage origination:A.3.7
Loan-to-Value (LTV) on first mortgage: A.3.8
Maximum LTV 85%80%
Housing Finance Network
Typical LTV at origination80% 75%
CAHF Yearbook
Maximum term over which pmt is calculated? 20 years  
UN Habitat, CAHF Yearbook
Mortgage pmt-to-income ratio A.3.10
Maximum pmt-to-income ratio (Individual income)  40%
Demand for residential mortgages in Ghana- research thesis -
Typical pmt-to-income ratio (HH income)  30%A.3.10.3
A.4 Lending and Servicing Process
VariableEnd of 2017End of 2016End of 2015SourcesVar ID
Which institutions define underwriting rules? A.4.2
A.5 Credit Risk Assessment
VariableEnd of 2017End of 2016End of 2015SourcesVar ID
Do credit bureaus exist? YesYesYes
B. Funding Sources for Mortgages and the Secondary Mortgage Market
VariableEnd of 2017End of 2016End of 2015SourcesVar ID
What are the main funding sources for mortgages?B.1
Retail funding (deposits/other)primaryprimaryprimary
Wholesale funding: loans from other banks or corporationssecondarysecondarysecondary
Funding through securitization of mortgagestertiarytertiarytertiary
C. Housing Microfinance
VariableEnd of 2017End of 2016End of 2015SourcesVar ID
Are non-collateralized housing micro-finance loans offered? Yes  
Journal of Poverty Investment and Development
Types of lenders operating in the housing micro-finance (HMF) sector:C.2
Commercial banksNo  
Journal of Poverty Investment and Development
Specialized non-depository MFIs Yes  
Journal of Poverty Investment and Development
Journal of Poverty Investment and Development
Journal of Poverty Investment and Development
Level of NPLs (>90 days past due) in HMFC.4
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Notes: 2000 estimate
Notes: 2000 estimate
Notes: "Rate offered by commercial banks on three-month time deposits."
Notes: "Rate offered by commercial banks on three-month time deposits."
Notes: "Rate offered by commercial banks on three-month time deposits."
Notes: "Rate offered by commercial banks on three-month time deposits."
Notes: 2000 estimate
Notes: 2000 estimate
Notes: 2010 = 100
Notes: 2010 = 100
Notes: Capital gains are taxed at a rate of 15%. The taxable amount is calculated as the sale price minus acquisition cost and other costs (such as renovation and legal).
Notes: Credit Referencing Bureaus include XDS Data, Hudson Price, and Dun & Bradstreet
Notes: Credit Referencing Bureaus include XDS Data, Hudson Price, and Dun & Bradstreet
Notes: First mortgage backed security was approved by SEC in 2013.
Notes: Funding from corporate bonds.
Notes: Funding from corporate bonds.
Notes: Funding from corporate bonds.
Notes: Ghana Home Loans controls ~50% of the market
Notes: IFS note: "Rate at which the Bank of Ghana makes advances against treasury bills. A rate of one percent higher is used in discounts of direct credit to business. There are no quantitative limits on credit to banks at the discount rate. The volume of these operations is relatively small. " End of Period
Notes: IFS note: "Rate at which the Bank of Ghana makes advances against treasury bills. A rate of one percent higher is used in discounts of direct credit to business. There are no quantitative limits on credit to banks at the discount rate. The volume of these operations is relatively small. " End of Period
Notes: IFS note: "Rate at which the Bank of Ghana makes advances against treasury bills. A rate of one percent higher is used in discounts of direct credit to business. There are no quantitative limits on credit to banks at the discount rate. The volume of these operations is relatively small. " End of Period
Notes: IFS note: "Rate at which the Bank of Ghana makes advances against treasury bills. A rate of one percent higher is used in discounts of direct credit to business. There are no quantitative limits on credit to banks at the discount rate. The volume of these operations is relatively small. " End of Period
Notes: In 2016 the government began a project to produce 5,000 units, 40% of which are to be sold at subsidized rates for low- and middle-income earners. As of 2017, 1,500 units were completed
Notes: In terms of % of number of lenders, not market share
Notes: In terms of % of number of lenders, not market share
Notes: In terms of % of number of lenders, not market share
Notes: In terms of % of number of lenders, not market share
Notes: In terms of % of number of lenders, not market share. GHL is a non-bank financial institution and mainly sources capital from development finance institutions, such as DEG, a German project financier. In July 2016, a provisional banking license was issued to the mortgage lender.
Notes: In terms of % of number of lenders, not market share. GHL obtained its banking license in 2017.
Notes: Property tax is levied at a rate of 0.5 to 3%
Notes: Rental income is taxed at a rate of 8% for residential properties.
Notes: Republic Bank and GHL Bank have previously relied on multilateral agencies (World Bank, IFC) to raise funds
Notes: There is a stamp duty fee of 0.25 to 1% that is paid by the buyer. This is a progressive rate that depends on the value of the property.
Notes: These are rent-free houses.
Notes: Treasury Bills discounted.